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Marina Nautica

#320142 Marina Nautica
Milano, Ulrico Hoepli 1968, cm.18x24, pp.214, 50 figure bianco e nero nel testo, brossura con bandelle, copertina figurata.
Note: Sottolineature a penna rosa nel testo.
EUR 20.00
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#317874 Marina Nautica
Monographie Etude historique. Monographie ech. 1/48. Paris, Musee de la Marine 1989, cm.24,5x32, pp.circa 80 ill. e tavole ripiegate ft. legatura editoriale cartonata, sopracoperta figurata a colori. Collection Archeologie Navale Francaise.

EAN: 9782903178222
EUR 49.00
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Collaborazione storica e tecnica Georges Fouillé pittore ufficiale della marina francese e Bob De Mor. Direzione Jacques Martin. Traduz.di Lucia Borselli. Genova, Gandus Ed. 1966, cm.25x33, pp.66, 60 tavole a colori applicate nel testo, legatura editoriale, sopraccoperta figurata a colori.
Note: Lievi segni d'usura alla sopraccoperta. Dedica a penna in antiporta.
EUR 45.00
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#316699 Marina Nautica
Milano, Casa Edit. Ceschina 1944, cm.13x20, pp.391, brossura, sopraccoperta figurata a colori, Collana I Libri del Mare.
Note: Brossura leggermente allentata. Copertina e sopraccoperta con mende.
EUR 18.00
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#315931 Marina Nautica
La storia vera di sedici navi che non dovevano affondare. Milano, Rizzoli Ed. 1975, cm.14x22, pp.254, legatura editoriale, sopraccoperta figurata a colori. Prima edizione.
Note: Mende alla sopraccoperta.
EUR 6.50
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#315869 Marina Nautica
Milano, Bompiani 1940, cm.11x17,5, pp.160, con foto in bianco e nero. Brossura copertina figurata.
Note: Bruniture, imperfezioni ed aloni.
EUR 34.00
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#309540 Marina Nautica
Editions Monelle Hayot 2007, cm.27x32, pp.303, ill.a colori. legatura editoriale cartonata, sopracoperta figurata a colori. " J'aime la mer... Sans jamais avoir été marin, j'aime les vrais bateaux, sans jamais en avoir possédé un qui fût à moi tout seul... J'aime aussi les bateaux jouets, qui me charment, me font rêver, bref me consolent, et sans me donner le mal de mer, d'avoir trop peu navigué ! " dit Jac Remise, journaliste, cinéaste, collectionneur dont les bateaux jouets sont amarrés au musée de la Marine, à Paris. Ce livre n'est pas un catalogue de jouets, ni un guide technique, mais un livre de mémoire et d'Histoire comparées. Il est riche d'anecdotes concernant les quarante années consacrées à cette collection et d'événements qui ont inspiré la fabrication de la presque totalité des jouets, illustrés par des images d'époque... On retrouve dans ces pages, les deux cent dix jouets et jeux acquis en 2005 par le musée national de la Marine.

EAN: 9782903824570
EUR 39.00
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#255801 Marina Nautica
A cura di Nicolò M.Pagani. Novara, De Agostini 2005, cm.23,5x30,5, pp.350, numerose figg.a col.nt. legatura editriale, soprac.figurata a colori.

EAN: 9788889931011
EUR 49.00
EUR 34.00
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#297284 Marina Nautica
Sanremo, Editrice Pharos 1993, cm.31x41, pp.120 legatura editoriale in tutta tela.

EAN: 9788886375092
EUR 43.00
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Esposto in 50 lezioni. Napoli, Real Tipografia Militare 1841, cm.18x25,5, pp.VI,403, 7 tavvole a triplice pagina ripiegate in appendice, in allegato tavola piu volte ripieg.raffigurante la rosa dei venti, pubbl.dal Regio Istituto Nautico di Palermo, rilegato in mezza pelle coeva, titoli e fregi in oro al dorso. (alcuni segni di tarlo alle ultime 20 pagine in porzioni non scritte.
EUR 160.00
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#283210 Marina Nautica
A cura di Luca Repetto. Casale Monferrato, Piemme 1995, cm.15,5x24, pp.290, ill. legatura editoriale, copertina figurata a colori. Un manuale pratico per chi vuole imparare ad andare in barca. I temi trattati sono: come manovrare una barca; gli strumenti e le attrezzature di bordo; come tracciare una rotta, carte nautiche e orientamento; la meteorologia marina, i venti e le maree; vele, cordure e nodi; norme di pronto soccorso marino.

EAN: 9788838423437
EUR 9.90
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#265846 Marina Nautica
Con commenti, giurispudenza e riferenze, codice per la marina mercantile, codice commerciale marittimo, regolamento per la marina. Firenze, Barbera 1900, cm.11,5x17, pp.786, legatura editoriale.
EUR 60.00
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#264929 Marina Nautica
Sixth edition. Charles Griffin 1920, cm.16x23,5, pp.XVI,332, illustrated with Photographs, bound in original publishers ornate pictorial gilt decorated blue cloth.
EUR 43.00
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#263210 Marina Nautica
Seconda edizione austro ungarica redatta per cura dell'I.Regio Governo MArittimo in Trieste e del R. Governo marittimo in Fiume. Treste, Tipografia del Lloyd Austro Ungarico 1882, cm.17x24, pp.XVII,702, rilegatura artigianale cartonata.
Note: Appunti a penna alle sguardie e alle 2 pagine bianche, prima e ultima.
EUR 160.00
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#262636 Marina Nautica
New York, Nan A. Talese, Doubleday 2000, cm.17x24, pp. viii,289,(7), leg. ed. cartonata bicolore, titoli in argento al dorso, sopraccoperta fig. a colori. A stint in the army and a broken heart lead Kevin Patterson to the dock of a sailboat brokerage on Vancouver Island, where he stands contemplating the romance of the sea and his heartfelt desire to get away. By the end of the day, he finds himself the neophyte owner of a sailboat called the Sea Mouse. He also has a plan: to sail to Tahiti and back, and burn away his failings in hard miles at sea. First he recruits a traveling companion, another brokenhearted guy who at least knows how to sail. They set out like the Two Stooges-Seasick and Slapstick. Days without wind are days to kick back on the deck with a beer and a man-versus-nature adventure book that valorizes their journey into an essential quest for manhood. But eventually the voyage begins to take on a sharper edge. On a relentless beat across the South Pacific, they run across one solitary male sailor after another on the lam, not heroes but refugees. Both the literature and the reality of masculine adventure start to pall, and Patterson begins to long for home. But to get there, he faces the toughest of trials, single-handedly sailing the Sea Mouse across the North Pacific and through a four-day gale, conscious that no one on earth knows where he is or that he might die. The illusion that men are best tested by loneliness and adversity cracks in the force of the wind and the terrifying beat of the water, and The Water In Between becomes a hymn, not to running away but to heading home.

EAN: 9780385498838
EUR 8.00
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#254991 Marina Nautica
Early submersibles, diesel electic submarines, dep sea roving vehicles, rescue vessels, nuclear submarines. Charts the history of submarines from the earliest submersibles to giant nuclear submarines and state-of-the-art deep-sea vehicles. Gives technical detail such as powerplant, dimensions, armament, range and speed on all the major submarines. San Diego, Thunder Bay Press 2002, cm.23,5x30,5, pp.256, and col., hardcover with dustjacket.

EAN: 9781571457783
EUR 13.90
2 copie
#252628 Marina Nautica
Durata video 120 minuti. AltreOnde Edizioni 2012, cm.13,5x19, pp.48, custodia contenete dvd e libro. Dopo "Nodi & Cime" la nuova uscita della collana: un nuovo videomanuale per imparare a eseguire in modo semplice le impiombature e i lavori di rigging. Le impiombature, descritte nel libro per le loro caratteristiche tecniche e applicazioni pratiche, sono analizzate nel DVD in fase di esecuzione, con l'esatta prospettiva di chi le realizza. Due ore di video, completamente commentato, mostrano tutti i dettagli, i segreti e i piccoli trucchi dei rigger professionisti. Non mancano i lavori preliminari, una sezione dedicata all'uso degli strumenti e dei materiali più comuni e una panoramica sulle applicazioni più utili, sia in crociera che in regata. Il DVD presenta un menù, immediato e funzionale, diviso in capitoli e singole realizzazioni, visionabili anche singolarmente, le sezioni principali sono: Strumenti e Materiali; Lavori preliminari; Impiombature con cime ritorte; Impiombature con cime a singola treccia; Impiombature con cime a doppia treccia; Applicazioni. Un percorso nuovo per scoprire l'affascinante mondo del rigging come nessun libro o sequenza di foto potrà mai fare.

EAN: 9788896331057
EUR 27.50
EUR 11.90
3 copie
#250612 Marina Nautica
Edizione 1950, completa di fasc. delle variazioni intervenute durante la stampa e del fasc. "Raccolta degli avvisi ai naviganti". Genova, Tipo-Litografia dell'Istituto Idrografico della Marina 1950, un vol. + 2 fasc., cm.17x24, pp.(8),XXX, numerose foto e cartine in nero nt. e XXVI tavv. in nero ft. per il vol.; 7,(1) e una cartina ripiegata; (36, ), leg. ed. in tutta tela, titoli al piatto ant. e al dorso per il vol., 2 punti metallici per ciascun fascicolo. (Titoli di copertina sbiaditi; interni ingialliti per il tipo di carta.)
Note: Titoli di copertina sbiaditi; interni ingialliti per il tipo di carta.
EUR 14.00
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#250505 Marina Nautica
Warszawa, Cartablanca 2009, cm.26x36, pp.303, ill.col., hardcover with dustjacket. Jezyk: polski.

EAN: 9788361444336
EUR 19.00
3 copie
#250442 Marina Nautica
Early submersibles, diesel electic submarines, dep sea roving vehicles, rescue vessels, nuclear submarines. Charts the history of submarines from the earliest submersibles to giant nuclear submarines and state-of-the-art deep-sea vehicles. Gives technical detail such as powerplant, dimensions, armament, range and speed on all the major submarines. London, Amber Books 2002, cm.23,5x30,5, pp.256, and col., hardcover with dustjacket.

EAN: 9781856056342
EUR 13.00
2 copie
#242537 Marina Nautica
New York, Barnes & Noble 2006, cm.23x30, pp.180, ill.col. Hardcover, dustjacket.

EAN: 9780760779828 Note: Timbro di ex archivio editoriale alla prima carta bianca.
EUR 9.90
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#242298 Marina Nautica
Vercelli, White Star 2000, cm.26,5x36, pp.304, ill.col. Hardcover with dustjacket. This volume tells the story of the concepts and creativity that lie behind the birth of the finest and most beautiful yachts and discusses the world's most important sailing races. Included are events and anecdotes that have marked the history of sailing, from casual competitions for royal yachts on London's River Thames in 1600 to the high-tech challenges of today. This complete updated edition, which features exciting pictures of America's Cup latest edition, brings the reader the excitement of sporting events analyzed by the sailing world's most

EAN: 9788880954460
EUR 35.00
EUR 14.90
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#241161 Marina Nautica
Artisan 2001, cm.24x27, pp.216, ill.col. hardcover, dustjacket. The luxury sailing yacht--that sublime marriage of form and function--is plush yet sleek, indulgent yet built for speed. Thirteen of the very finest of these boats are displayed here, from lovingly restored schooners and cutters built in the early twentieth century to the new generation of high-tech yachts. The author, a sailor himself, discusses each boat's history and characteristics, above and belowdecks, including her origins, racing record, and more intricate explanations about her fittings and design elements. Lush photographs show the boats under sail, as well as details like the original fireplace in the nearly century-old, 147-foot Orion; the bronze blocks on Linnet's deck, re-created from designer Nathanael Herreshoff's 1904 drawings; and the Mariette's forward cockpit, resplendent with monogrammed cushions, designed to keep passengers dry during a close-hauled tack. Burnished wooden staircases leading to well-appointed cabins and orderly galleys stocked with specially inscribed silver and

EAN: 9781579651718
EUR 9.90
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#240902 Marina Nautica
Foreword by LT Col.Jon T.Hoffman. Thunder Bay Press 2002, cm.23x30,5, pp.260, a colori. hardback, dustjacket. The United States Marine Corps is one of the most famous military units in the world. The Marine Corps tells the story behind a unit that has seen action across the world in its long and illustrious history. The book begins with the Corps' origins during the colonial period, when battalions of American Marines were raised to fight alongside their British counterparts. It was not until 1798, however, that the Corps was finally created by an Act of Congress. The Corps has fought in Central America, World War I, World War II (where it carried the brunt of the Allied effort in the Pacific), Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, and the Gulf. This book describes the full combat record of the Marines and details the Corps' organization, equipment, uniforms, and insignia. Illustrated with black and white and color photographs, and with an authoritative text, The Marine Corps: Three Centuries of Glory is a definitive history of one of America's top fighting units.

EAN: 9781571457844
EUR 16.90
2 copie